International Lifestyle Magazine Issue 48 | Page 48

If you have ever visited the Algarve in Portugal you will understand when I say there is a wildness to the sea that is both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time and yet , it brings with it a stillness , I think it is the way it sucks you in to just watching it for hours as it rolls and crashes demonstrating the pure power and strength of nature . In a strange way it represents our lives , wild and crazy on the surface and yet deep and mysterious below , learning how to harness the waves is a way of understanding how to harness our own craziness ! This is where the connection begins .
Pure Flow Motions organizes retreats in the SW tip of Europe in Portugal , integrating ( Hatha ) Yoga , Surfing , Meditation , QiGong , healthy food and hiking on the beautiful coast of Western Algarve , in SW Portugal . It is the ideal retreat to re-establish a deep connection with your inner self and Nature ...
During your stay you will dedicate your time to deeply reconnect and rediscover your Mind & Body . This happens in a beautiful environment so you can also relax and rest at the same time .
Pure Flow Motions is owned by three friends , Michael Bijker , Nicolau and Marta who all share the same Philosophy , you can read more about them Here but they share the understanding that by connecting with the elements , taking time out for our mind and body , we can make huge changes in our lives . They share their life experiences to bring together a retreat that inspires growth and change in everyone who visits .
“ Our commitment is to make this retreat a profound experience , to train awareness and boost your physical health , to re-energize your life in an active way , developing a healthy , happy and connected state of being to live a full and happy life .”
“ Life is a great ocean of potentials . We are sailing on this ocean and we are the captain of our own ship . In order to set our destination and to sail where we want to sail , we have to maintain our vessel in good condition , we need to know the workings of our ship , the workings of the tides , the currents and the weather etc .
So too must we know the workings of our mind in order to create and to live fully . If we want to learn we have to pay attention . Attention , awareness or consciousness is something that we tend to lack during most of our lives . if we want to feel the connection with the Moment , God , The Creator , the NOW , whichever way one looks at it , or whatever one wants to call it we have to become sensitive and conscious . We are a part of universal creation just as creation is a part of us . When we awaken we can flow and create harmoniously with the universal creative force .
We are conscious , sensitive and creative beings that have the power and the right to decide our state of mind . We experience this life with both our body and mind . If they are healthy and ‘ correctly tuned ’, a harmonious life unfolds in and around us . If we are unaware of the workings of them and live with unconsciously , we will be victims of all the negative states our thoughts and actions produce in our daily life .
 We can train our mind and body to become more aware and more conscious about our lives and the reality it produces .”
In the world , that many live in , the idea of being able to find the ability to “ flow ” sounds crazy , and yet , once you have learnt not only how to still yourself to enable flow , you will be amazed at how easy it is to step into it . Initially you need to do something that involves 100 % attention and being on the ocean demands this . Walking among nature , climbing up hills and cliffs , focusing on where you feet need to be , and nothing else , is flow , you are in the moment , nothing else is penetrating your thoughts . In flow you have clarity , you have vision , you can plan and you can succeed . In chaos any ideas or thoughts you have simply disappear into the swirl of madness .
The surfing and yoga retreat is for www . internationallifestylemagazine . com