International Journal of Indonesian Studies Volume 1, Issue 3 | Page 34

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN STUDIES SPRING 2016 Interestingly, the editor of Pos Kota said that the paper was not concerned with such criticisms. He stated that ‘time has revealed that Pos Kota has a distinctive style that people cannot resist. After all, many media, including television, have followed the style of Pos Kota’. Indeed, Pos Kota has become a trendsetter for the tabloid genre in Indonesian journalism. One journalist claimed that for crime news, Pos Kota is the ‘guru’ for all media: ‘We are the trendsetters for crime news. Many media follow our style’ (Interview with journalist 2 of Pos Kota, 25 December 2011). In addition to that, the editor-in-chief of Lampu Hijau described the demographic profile of the target readers as follows: ‘The target readers of Lampu Hijau are the urban workers who are still in the productive age, around 19 to 45 years old, with little to medium financial capacity’ (Interview with the editor-in-chief of Lampu Hijau, 25 December 2011). He emphasised: ‘Lampu Hijau wants to be the main newspaper for the urban workers to get any information related to crimes, entertainment, sex education and so on’ (Interview with the editor-in-chief of Lampu Hijau, 25 December 2011). Similar to Pos Kota, Lampu Hijau also has two ‘paradoxical’ aims: to serve its target readers and to advance its market position. The decision to be a local newspaper is also based on profit consideration because, at the time of its founding, not many newspapers addressed this reader segment and these topics. As a journalist stated: ‘Lampu Hijau focuses on crimes, local politics or local issues and sexual issues since they are still rarely reported’ (Interview with the journalist 2 of Lampu Hijau, 13 August 2012). For the same reasons, Lampu Hijau also focuses on funny and weird stories: ‘Distinctive stories also become our interest since they are actually marketable though often ignored by other media’ (Interview with journalist 3 of Lampu Hijau, 13 August 2012). The effort to win further market segments is the underlying reason for an attempt to accommodate all circles of urban workers. As one Lampu Hijau journalist said: ‘We target all workers in Jakarta, not only unskilled workers but also public servants. We have the sections to accommodate all of them; however, the portion for unskilled workers is higher’ (Interview with journalist 1 of Lampu Hijau, 17 December 2011). By attempting to accommodate all strata of urban workers, the paper can make itself ever more profitable. In an attempt to carve out its own readership and distinguish itself, Lampu Hijau has chosen to focus on crime. By selecting this narrow scope, it minimises competition with other newspapers, including Pos Kota. The editor-in-chief stated: The birth of Lampu Merah [the previous name of Lampu Hijau] was started with the commitment to create a very segmented newspaper. Many segments were being considered at that time, but finally we decided to focus on crime since there is no newspaper that fully covers this issue. Indonesian readers, especially urban workers, were mostly ignorant about the crime information, even though crime is an inevitable part of the daily urban lives … By providing comprehensive information 34 | P a g e