International Focus Magazine Vol. 3, #7 | Page 49

attracting much interest from foreign direct investors (FDI). This in turn creates much needed jobs for Ethio- pian citizens, especially the young population. We strongly encourage Ethiopian citizens and Ethio-Americans resid- ing in Texas to engage and take ad- vantage of the opportunity in Ethio- pia’s rapidly growing economy. Some Ethiopians residing in Texas are al- ready doing so by investing in their country of origin. The fact that the government has opened up the doors for investment has encouraged Ethi- opians in the Diaspora to return and invest in Ethiopia. ers ($197.0 million in 2016), pulps ($232.5 million in 2016), live ani- mals ($160 million in 2016), leather and leather products ($120.6 million in 2016), meat and meat products ($74.1 million in 2016). There are a group of Ethiopian doc- tors who organized and formed a non-profit called the “Global Initia- tive for better Health”. Their goal is to help in the country’s healthcare system by partnering with local gov- ernment and non-government hos- pitals implementing health care proj- ects. sure that today’s Ethiopia’s Rising narrative is not a passing meme but a solid and lasting reality. The Ethiopia we want is clearly visible on the ho- rizon, and today more than ever be- fore, we see the clearest path to travel together. Heidi: Hon. Kebede holds leadership positions in numerous professional and industry organizations including the In- ternational Trade Center, Houston May- or’s International Communities’ Board Member, Executive Board Member Try- bus Bridgetex Ethiopia P.L.C, Board of Manager Africap, LLC, and he is a member of the African Chamber of Com- merce, Greater Houston Partnership, and Corporate Council on Africa, American Institute of Banking. “Texas Africa Summit” Hon. Kebede: In February 2010, I spearheaded the creation of the Texas Africa Business Summit where six African Ambassadors and over 800 businesses participated in the success- ful business summit on Texas Africa trade and investment potential op- Heidi: That brings up the next question. Similarly, a non-profit organization portunities, every 2 years. The Sum- How is the Ethiopian business commu- nity positioning itself to help Americans, funded by many concerned Ethiopi- mit brings the new stories of Africa ans called “Stream of Hope” is pro- to the world forefront, policy makers specifically in this case, Texans, to do viding clean sanitary water for rural and government officials from across business in Ethiopia? Ethiopian Villages. the country in order to discuss chal- lenges to doing business and bolster Hon. Kebede: With a population of Ethiopia Rising: Building private investments. I am the presi- 90 million, Ethiopia is the second dent and founder of the Texas Africa most populous country in Africa and bridges with Investment Summit, and next year in 2019, we one of the largest untapped markets and Trade on the continent. With the popula- The recent Ethiopian policy shift is are planning to bring more than 6 tion expected to reach 100 million the latest of several changes imple- African heads of state to Houston. I by 2020, it presents a huge econom- mented by Ethiopia’s new govern- have not had a very committed team, ic opportunity in the East-African ment, led by His Excellency Prime and it takes time and resources to region. It is also one of the fastest Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, the plan such an event. I am asking Val growing non-oil economies on the youngest head of government in and iF magazine to work with us on continent. The economy has regis- Africa. Since taking office in April, that. tered sustained growth rates in excess 2018, his vision for the country has of 10 percent for over a decade, com- received the admiration and respect Heidi: We are looking forward to having pared to the regional average of 5.4%. of the Ethiopian people and interna- you speak at our Global Trade Confer- ence and to working with you on the Ethiopia’s continuously improving tional community. Texas Africa Summit. business environment, coupled with This was a historic moment for all a wide range of incentive packages put in place by the Government, is of us who are committed to making iF Magazine | 49