International Focus Magazine Vol. 3, #4 | Page 53

In New York, we decided now that we are doing business in the U.S., and we have a new location, we must be able to teach the policies, regulations, ways of doing business, and the dif- ferences in American and Chinese customs and culture. There was a lot to learn and do to bring Chinese business and American together. Q: For businessmen in China to be able to work with businessmen here. A: And vice versa. Q: That is what your Chamber does for people? I am curious, since you worked in New Jersey, you may clarify something. Some people here think that Jersey has all the same as- sets we have, and maybe more. A: Actually here, there are more, a lot more. Houston is called the Pe- troleum Capital. Houston has the oil, the refineries, the port, and more. Houston is the best location. Hous- ton is growing. So, I decided to send one person at first, an American. I said, “Why don’t you go to Hous- ton?” He relocated himself and start- ed to work. work here. Q: That is what a lot of people don’t get. They think all the business goes out. But every business generates more business. ed. This is very important; especially for management. Q: Yes, the owner or manager of a business must be very careful, and it is still easy to make a mistake. A: That is a trend. As time goes on, A: That is why the seminars and the more and more Chinese are inter- ested in coming here either for ex- pansion or as an investment. That will help the local community. They cre- ate employment opportunities and growth opportunities, and they pay taxes. Chamber are so important. There are classes on environment, packaging, office manners, customs, procedures of doing business, and more. Q: So, the Consul gets involved with political affairs, and the Chamber helps the businessman. the East West Bank, will speak about the differences between American and Chinese business. A: Q: That is a point I wanted to Yes, we help members do busi- ness here and in China. And we help Chinese businesses get established here and promote themselves. Q: Right. Learning the new rules and regulations and getting acquainted with each other. Q: When is this event? A: In April. One of our members, make. You do not have to be Chinese to be a member. A: Surely not! We open the doors, and we invite anyone to join. Q: American businesses who may want to export to China? We have 4 local chapters here. We concentrate on business relation- A: And for businesses that may ships and resolving any problems our want to invest in China, to trade, or to manufacture. We welcome all, and members may have. we will help with any problems that Q: You started with one person? may come up. An example is a com- Q: Are there any events that are pany that opened in Corpus Christi, A: One guy in 2004 to 2008. Now coming up that you would like to PPCO. We went with all our mem- we have 90 employees. mention? bers to spend a day there. We were A: Just a week ago, we got our 1st to find 7 people working Q: Ninety employees working here. big event, HSE. We focus on Health, pleased there some of whom were family. A: After this interview, I will show Safety, and Environment. There will Three were American and four were you a lot. be seminars on differences in do- Chinese. This is what I like to see, ing business here and in China, ways American and Chinese together. We Q: That will be wonderful. I will of doing business, traditions, hiring do market analysis, promotion, finan- have a lot more interesting photo. We practices, management, sales tech- cial analysis, whatever they need. We are curious. Do you ever work with niques, and more. I will give you an like to do on site analysis. the Chinese Consulate in any capac- example. ity? I am in the first year of the second Q: Right. Give me one example. term as Chairman. We had 32 mem- A: Not really. We feel that the Cham- bers. Now we have more than dou- ber of Commerce is an independent A: In China, we can say, we have a bled that. By the end of this year, I entity, a non-profit organization. We position open. He must be male only, plan to triple that. provide a service to the members; not older than 35, and should have i.e. market analysis, marketing, op- some post-graduate credits. In the For more information on how to be portunities for investment, promo- U.S., this employer is potentially in a part of the growing business with tion of their products, and more. The trouble. But that is the way we always China and to participate in events, services are for the companies here have done things in China, and we contact Shaolin Li at 832-325-7818 who want to work in China, and for are doing that now. There are truths or [email protected]. the Chinese companies who want to to be learned and errors to be avoid- A: iF Magazine | 53