International Focus Magazine Vol. 3, #2 | Page 26

living Hey Happiness Warriors, are you drifting? Happiness is the state of mind of a person who is living on purpose. Have you discovered what your purpose is? For the moment, is it to learn how to master your cravings appetites? To give of yourself in a big way? To create? To nurture? To discover great truths? To save lives? To help heal hearts? To make life easier for the next genera- tion? To deepen your relationship with a spouse, a friend, or grandchildren? Is your purpose to be- come a teacher that inspires? manity and all our uniqueness, diversity and com- mon bonds between us all, we must see outside of ourself and into the beautiful world in which we all live. From a book, Manage Your Day to Day by Jocelyn K. Glei, “The heros of the next generation will be those who can calm the buzzing of outside distraction... those who can follow their own path til they learn to walk erect- not hunched over like a Neaderthal... palm-gazing into traffic. You have a choice where to direct your attention.” A good read is Napolean Hill’s just released book, Outwitting the Devil. In this book, you’ll discover ways that 98% of people drift and just what the consequences are. It’s a good book to jump start all your plans for 2018 and beyond, here are a few quotes. “Laziness and indifference= drifting. ... Drifting destroys the power of individual initia- tive. ... Wake up and Give if your want to Get and if you MUST give BEFORE you Get.” When we drift we sacrifice our greatest yearnings, ambi- tions and possibilities. Be organized and firm in your ambitions, not drift- ing in the wind. Fight discouragement with laser sharp focus in accomplishing what you set out to do each day. Have courage and convictions in your dreams and desires to make a difference. Wherever you go, you WILL impact others. Will you leave an impact of indifference or a powerful impact that can be relayed in the kindness of eye contact, a smile, or a word of encouragement? To- gether we can help elevate global happiness as we stop drifting and live with more purpose. The constant pings, and dings, and alerts, and notices from our devices are clamoring for a shift in our focus and robs us of the quiet pauses of reflection where inspiration ignites us with cause, purpose and where passion for something is born. We must be cautious of drifting our time and at- tention away from conversations, opportunities to deeply think, or to truly focus on 1 topic for longer than the space between one phone call, text or email. Crissy Butts, Happiness Coach” As we live more focused, and tame our drifting, and control our distractions, we will become un- stoppable. If we are to continue to celebrate hu- 26 iF Magazine | February 2018 Cheerfully, Crissy Butts Happiness Coach 832-628-4233 Happier People Stronger Families Safer Communities A look ahead: 2018 Interfaith Leadership Summit & Family Conference