International Focus Magazine Vol. 3, #10 | Page 32

living design high school youth to & ge lle co rs we po em Title I Educate Houston d free to students at an en op e ar at th ps m s of 12-15 and lead on-campus ca ders manage classroom udents to lea h ut yo e Th s. ol ho allowing the st I elementary sc ts with a ratio of 1:4, en ud king st ol ho sc ry ta elemen gage in thought-provo en d an n io ct ru st in ized rship receive more personal unique work and leade a ly on t no is e nc for rie dialogue. The expe uth, but also a chance yo ol ho sc gh hi & ge mer lle experience for the co at lack access to sum th es iti un m m co e th serve president, these role models to krishnan, who is the la Ba a op Ro . es iti un engi- enrichment opport 30 years, working in er ov r fo ry st du in s ga ssion is educa- has been in the oil & and overseas. Her pa US e th in ns io at d is an er neering and op schools in Houston, an ity r-c ne in at d re r- ee ildren of Migrant Labo tion – she has volunt Ch r fo ol ho Sc ile ob M tion serves advisor to the Innova s with I Educate, she tie du r he to n tio di ad of The ers. Currently, in is a charter member d an i, rit sk m Sa d an w of her best on the board of IAPAC a introduced IF to a fe op Ro ). iE (T s ur ne re g the summer Indus Entrep or Joana Nunoo durin ct re di w ne e’s at uc essed teachers and I Ed e schools, I was impr th of e on to sit vi y m g to. I asked program 2018. Durin each class I walked in in sm ia us th en d d the two an by the energy about the program, an t os m ed lik ey th g at several students wh s, often both. The youn tic bo Ro d an ga Yo re we ne was having most popular subjects eir classes and everyo th th wi t or pp ra al re teachers had a fun learning. ry well. odel that is working ve m a en os ch ve ha mmer am Roopa and her te organization has a su e th , ar ye ol ho sc r la l instructors In addition to the regu any of these wonderfu m at th hy rt wo te no have chosen program. It is s of immigrants who er ht ug da d an em. ns so are immigrants or and helped educate th ed m lco we at th ity un mm generously of to give back to the co themselves who give s or ct ru st in e th of e Let’s meet som . their time and talents 32 iF Magazine | November 2018