International Focus Magazine Vol. 2, #9 | Page 38

policy Afghan strategy +smart power, USAID Green’s first trip, Egypt exit? Written by Liz Schrayer, USGLC AFGHAN SMART POWER. While the Admin- istration’s new strategy announced last week was largely focused on a modest military surge in Afghanistan, the president included a reference to non-military tools in his address: “Another fundamental pillar of our new strategy is the integration of all instruments of American power – diplomatic, economic, and military – toward a successful outcome.” -- The integration of the “3Ds” – development, diplomacy, and de- fense – has long been a cornerstone of Secretary of Defense Mattis’ na- tional security mantra – so it was nice to hear a POTUS shout-out. -- It’s worth noting that the speech carried a few contradictions: the brief references to economic tools was largely around sanctions – and as former Ambassador Nick Burns said, the speech offered “scant at- tention to diplomacy and diplo- mats” and “will take more than generals to succeed.” BOMBS VS. BOOKS? The day after the presi- dent’s speech, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson set up a stark contrast to 38 iF Magazine | October 2017 Appropriations leader Senator Lind- -- Retired Army officer, John Nagl, sey Graham at an unusual press con- who literally wrote the field manu- ference. Explaining the new Afghan al on c