International Focus Magazine Vol. 2, #4 | Page 18




by Crissy Butts
oes what you HAVE declare your ABUNDANCE ? When I lived in Costa Rica I observed the poorest of families who lived with more abundance than some of the wealthiest I ’ ve met in America . Laughter and contentment filled their small , humble homes with dirt floors and tin roofs . The Costa Ricans were very involved in the community . Some walked miles to work , some rode motorcycles , bicycles or caught the bus . On the bus they smiled at one another and engaged in pleasant conversations . They were a united people and friendly to all nationalities that came to visit .
I ’ ve visited homes in the U . S . of many families across the country . Some of the most affluent I visited , showcased collections of all types , the most lavish furniture , gardens , pools , and vehicles , but some of these homes were completely void of smiles and laughter . ABUNDANCE means “ a very large quantity of something ; an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quality or supply .” I raise the question IF ( a very large quantity of something ) has to be a “ THING ” or could it BE a very large quantity of character ? My impression is that ABUNDANCE is born from an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE .
It ’ s sufficient to say that gratitude is so important in happiness and in our relationships that it must become a common thread in all humankind to elevate global happiness . America seems vexed in a culture of ATTITUDE . I don ’ t see discrimination the cause at all , but a people puffed up in the pride of their hearts as to which “ Tribe is Better ”. My stomach literally starts to turn when I see the taunts of The Woman Tribe vs The Man Tribe , Black Tribe vs White Tribe , Liberal Tribe vs Conservative Tribe , Boomer Tribe vs Millennial Tribe , Gay / Transgender / Anything Goes Tribe vs The Straight Tribe . The separation of ideas is nothing new , but the intensity of division is . Many Americans are highly focused on the battle of principles and fail to recognize the good in each person behind the views .
~ continued on page 20
18 iF Magazine | April 2017