International Focus Magazine Vol. 2, #3 | Page 49




Written by Sonia Guimbellot
iF introduces its new Social Director , David Ng . David comes with a zest for life and a background in international pursuits . In 1993 & 1994 , David was invited by President Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore to participate in the NAFTA ( North American Free Trade ) conference at the White House during his time serving as President of the Asian Chamber of Commerce in Houston . He has been a frequent guest speaker for major insurance companies at symposiums in the United States , Australia , Hong Kong , S . Korea , & Canada . Travel and photography are his hobbies so you ’ ll likely enjoy a conversation with him at one of our bi-monthly mixers . Tell him a good joke and his laughter is contagious .
David was born in Hong Kong . As a teenager , he moved to Sydney , Australia for high school and lived there for three years . In the early 1960s , he came to the United States for college with a student Visa and earned a Bachelor in finance . David has worked and supported himself through college . His father passed away at the age of 60 . Upon graduation in Houston , he was hired by American General Life Insurance Company where he received numerous top awards in the industry . Over 20 , he has positioned himself as one of the top agents in the nation ; placing him as Lifetime M . D . R . T . & one time as Top of the Table . He has traveled to countries including : Europe , China , Australia , & Hong Kong . U . S . Senator John Tower sponsored a senate bill that passed , granting citizenship to David Ng and his wife , Dorothy Ng .
David was an Advisory Board member on Wallis State Bank and Commonwealth Bank ’ s boards . He also served on the board of Houston Marathon . He currently serves on the board of Sister Cities of Shenzhen in the Houston chapter and as a volunteer on the committee of Houston Rodeo .
iF Magazine | www . iFMagazine . net 49