International Focus Magazine Vol. 2, #11 | Page 34

living Travel Light, Be Forthright, Shine Bright! I believe we all originated from one, (JUST ONE) Happy Tribe ... that we used to live in harmony and we were all in the same team! We wore the same color of “loincloth”. Fast forward 6,000+ years (or what- ever your spiritual/scientific belief system is) today there are millions of different tribes. Family tribes, community tribes, political “tribes”, business tribes, sports fan tribes, religious tribes. Some are friendly and others are aggressive, which have caused our societies to be- come less safe. We no longer wear the same color of “loincloth.” Our need to CONNECT is as vital as our need for food and water. In a variety of different studies from mammals to humans: data suggests we suffer greatly when our social bonds are threatened or severed. We thrive when our relationships are close! 3 simple ways to increase Happiness are to Travel Light, Be Forthright, and Shine Bright! RED LIGHT/TRAVEL LIGHT: We all have stuff that weighs us down. Some of it is physical stuff ... junk that we don’t need in our life. Other weight is toxic, emotional stuff. Travel Light is a warning, to let it go, which will require for- giveness. As we Travel Light, this will improve our health, our happiness and our re- lationships! YELLOW LIGHT/ BE FORTH- RIGHT is to live with in- tegrity to who you 34 iF Magazine | December 2017