International Focus Magazine Vol. 1, #6 | Page 46

— Continued from page 40 Turkey and the United States have been NATO allies for 64 years, staunch partners in almost every critically important issue of world affairs. Facing contemporary challenges like Syria, Iraq and ISIS terrorism, our bilateral relations are more relevant than ever. half of Houston right now. Since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis five years ago, Turkey pursued an open door policy without discrimination and spent over 12 billion USD to take care of the refugees. Syria is a breeding ground for ISIS terrorism. Turkey, like France, BelThe conflict in Syria remains a hor- gium or the United States, has sufrific tragedy. The Syrian Crisis fered from ISIS terrorist attacks rethreatens regional stability and inter- cently. In order to clear off Turkey’s national security. Turkey has a 566 borders from ISIS and other terrormiles border with Syria. Humani- ist elements, prevent further refugee tarian suffering in Syria has reached flows, establish safe zones for deliverunprecedented levels. There are over ing humanitarian aid to the people 4.5 million Syrian refugees in the in need, the Turkish army launched world. Turkey is the largest refugee a cross-border military operation in hosting country in the world with 3 Syria on August 24th.  Turkey’s ‘Opmillion — of which 2.7 million are eration Euphrates Shield’ cleared 650 Syrians. Think about it. Houston square miles from ISIS terrorism and is around 2.2 million in population. freed over 160 Syrian cities and vilTurkey is hosting almost one and a lages. 46 iF Magazine | DECEMBER 2016 Is there anything we have not talked about that you would like to discuss? The 22nd World Petroleum Congress (WPC) will be held in Istanbul on July 9-13, 2017. The triennial WPC is widely recognized as the ‘Olympics’ of the oil and gas industry, attended by world leaders and energy stakeholders. We would like to welcome Houstonians from ‘The Energy Capital of the World’ to Istanbul, the crossroads of continents and cradle of civilizations. Thank you for the opportunity and please consider the Turkish Consulate General as your home, myself and my team as your friends and partners in Houston. I congratulate International Focus for its esteemed work and wish all the success.