International Focus Magazine Vol. 1, #3 | Page 46

home. She told Farah that when she couldn’t get into the house she began calling for her mom. On a previous occasion, the youngest daughter exited the house when she was only two. Farah who was sitting at the kitchen table all of a sudden could feel that the toddler was not in the house. She ran outside just in time to see her turn the corner way up the road. Fortunately, Farah was able to retrieve her daughter before it was too late. “I went looking for her. If I didn’t have that feeling I would never know that she left the house and she would have been gone because once she turned that corner she would have been lost.” “Once we experimented and we sat down all four of us. I said let’s try to see if we have it or not, so we did little experiments of colors. I got all the colors they were thinking. A lot of incidents happen like that. As a mother also I am connected to my daughters. That is not amazing. That is a very natural thing, but at the same time they always say jinx. My daughter says, ‘How did you know I was about to say that? or How did you cook this? I was thinking about that. How did you do that? I was thinking about that.’” Farah and I have discussed many wonderful topics from the changing world for the Pakistani to her psychic abilities, but I haven’t asked her about the man in her life. I wonder how her husband feels about everything she does. She smiles and says that in the beginning it was a little strange for him, but with the passage of time he has opened up and accepted her other dimensions. Now he is supportive of all her endeavors. I am sure that Mr. Iqbal is a very strong and broad minded person to be married to Farah and the father of three beautiful daughters. Farah relives a situation for me about her youngest daughter. She had left her youngest daughter playing in front of the house with her friends while the middle daughter and Farah ran to the library to return a book. Farah and the middle daughter were delayed and on the way home Farah could literally hear the youngest daughter fearfully calling her. I can’t resist the opportunity to ask Come to find out, the little daughFarah if her daughters also have her ter had been unable to get into the psychic gifts to which she responds home and was scared. They found that they did indeed receive the. her scared and crying at a neighbor’s It was a pleasure speaking to such a multi-dimensional person who has so many interests and accomplishments. Not only that, but she is someone who possesses great confidence and an independent spirit. The change she spoke of in Pakistan is encouraging. Let us all work to make sure our daughters and sons are educated and that we instill within them our values, so that they can think freely and navigate life’s journey with greater ease and success. sick about the girls, but had prepared them to be independent as youngsters. Both girls had credit cards and bank accounts of their own and easily checked themselves