International Focus Magazine Premiere Edition | Page 46


Do YOU think you can change the world ? Have you ever asked yourself that question before ? How would you answer it ? Do you go for high profile , name recognition acts in lieu of what you ’ re passionate about ? What is important to you that would propel you to do so … many are asking themselves the same question . Some may never have had it cross their minds before . Opportunity for betterment rises every day . Where do you see the needs or gaps ? This may be where you will be able to see your greatest impact so ask yourself those questions and listen . The world is so big and so many differences are there to explore iF you look around .
iF we were to look at game changers for today ’ s global advancements , we would think of innovators of now in technology like : The billionaire co-founder and CEO of Facebook , Mark Zuckerburg , whom is responsible for the most successful social networking website on the internet , born while he was at Harvard . Founder and CEO of Amazon . com , Jeff Bezos , is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time , and the man who revolutionized e-commerce . Revolutionary futurist , celebrated innovator , innovative researcher , and bestselling author , Ray Kurzweil received the 1999 National Medal of Technology and Innovation , and is currently Director of engineering at Google working in the field of artificial intelligence . We could think of those making an impact in philanthropy as well as their tech savviness skills . One of the first to come to mind is Bill Gates , one of the great businessmen / philanthropists of the last century . Gates founded and built Microsoft into an unmatched software behemoth before leaving to state the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation , a multi-billion dollar philanthropic enterprise working to enhance global healthcare and reduce poverty . Leila Janah is the founder and CEO of Samasource , a nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect the poor women and youth to the digital economy and “ harness the untapped potential of the world ’ s poor .” Alas , we have the colorful and creative British founder of Virgin Group , Richard Branson , as one of the most successful businessmen of our time as well as a billionaire philanthropist and humanitarian . iF those entrepreneurs had not listened to that small voice inside of them that said there is opportunity here and a need for others then we would not have some of the most convenient tools we utilize every day . Every great dream begins with a dreamer . You have within you the strength , the patience , and the passion to reach for the stars awaiting you . We all have the power to change the world ; the extent of which we do varies from individual to individual based on drive and who they surround themselves with . People have heard me say that you are the average of the five people you surround yourself with the most and in return you become a reflection of each other so choose wisely as it is a slow fade until you look up and notice the change in your life . I firmly believe your surroundings affect you more than you are cognizantly aware of until it is evident in proof of your quality in life and in the same token , you affect the people around you more than you are aware . You ’ ll not find out who you are by walking someone else ’ s path . Would you like to end injustice , racism , poverty , genocide , human trafficking , corruption , etc . or would you like to make your print by transforming the fields of health care , technology , environmental , education , pov-
46 iF Magazine | July 2016