International Focus Magazine Premiere Edition | Page 31

IF we could achieve Global HaPPiness, what would be the tipping point to accomplish such a great quest?! How would the world look different than it does today? To greater understand HaPPiness we must better understand what it is and what it is not. We know the opposite of HaPPiness is misery, envy, discontent, fear, anger, frustration, chaos, and guilt. The HaPPiness I’m referring to is NOT the short term superficial stuff based on external things and situations such as the thrill of skydiving, the taste of chocolate, a vacation, buying your dream home, or winning an award. The novelty of these experiences quickly passes leaving us hungry for the next pleasure or rush of adventure. The level of HaPPiness I am referring to should almost have another name, because this type of HaPPiness comes from person to person relations vs from material sources, and I’ll liken this emotion to ABUNDANT JOY! It is based on the quality of our relationships with family, friends, people at work, and with strangers. Are you starting to sense the difference? Our HaPPiness is directly related to two things: 1) the number of close personal relationships we have and 2) the FREQUENCY of Positive Interactions in those relationships. Would it surprise you that research has proven, HaPPiness is NOT related to ANY of the external stuff at ALL?! However, a vast amount of the population is confused at the myth that tangible things and experiences are what HaPPiNESS is all about. When we focus too much on the things, we miss the abundant joy found within relationships! Enjoy this experiment: On a scale of 1-10 ask yourself How Happy Am I? (10 being most Happy!) Next, make a quick list of your close relationships. Next, think about the last two weeks, make check marks next to each person you had a positive interaction with. How many check marks you have will almost always be relative and correspond with your number on the Happiness Survey. Very few check marks, very low score. Many check marks, very high score! It is important to understand HaPPiness is a choice, and we cannot force it upon others. We can smile, be kind, serve, go the extra mile, but not everyone will respond favorably, we should do it anyway! Each of us is blessed with different gifts and talents. As we use our gifts and strengths, we contribute great value to the world. Each month, I’ll be sharing a different principle to elevate Global HaPPiness. Next month we will discuss building Self Worth in others. This is tricky because we want to be conscience that we focus on the individual’s strengths not the individual’s stuff. If you would like to contribute examples of this, contact me below. A final thought on Global HaPPiness: Sometimes in focusing too much on diversity we completely miss our commonalities which builds unity. In the business world, what makes our products, services, and companies different is important, but outside of that sphere … in the world of humanity, in the end, it’s not what makes us unique and different that is important, but what makes us the same. We really are all on the same team in this mortal journey. We aren’t wearing different jerseys, we are all here for the same purpose, to learn and grow! When humanity figures that out, we WILL change the world. I know that strong families create strong businesses which in turn support & build strong communities. Go forth, make the world better with your smile and your kindness starting in your family, your neighborhood, your work, your civic entities, your city, country and the world! Please, remember your smile; share it, because it’s so deliciously contagious! Live Joyfully, Crissy Butts, HaPPiness Coach Author of You Choose Your Path Family Team-Building Educator | iF Magazine | 31