International book international book of favorite sports_FV | Page 147

front of someone who could not perform the movement . If any traceur in the group claimed that he had completed a difficult and dangerous challenge that should not be attempted unaided , he had to prove his claims by doing the challenge again . Anyone who lied violated the principle of humility .
To join the group , new members had to be recommended by an existing member and then pass tests to evaluate their motivation for joining . Despite the huge emphasis on the collective , each traceur had to progress and develop independently — " to create the means to be yourself " — and there was a complete trust within the group . Every traceur was to encourage the others and show confidence through their behaviour . If a member violated the principles , the group could meet without the offending person to discuss various punishments . Anyone deemed unsuitable could be temporarily or even permanently banned from the group in order to uphold its disciplines and values .