INTER-SECTION Volume III | Page 45

“Linguistic Landscape Archaeology | | The for ‘lively’ streets Studies” of classical Olynthos | Assessing stakeholders’ values and | interests Archaeological Park and Matilo and Castellum Hoge Woerd, the Netherlands THESIS OVERVIEW SEPTEMBER 2016 - FEBRUARY 2017 A t the moment of graduation, an archaeology undergraduate student has produced a minimum of 50,000 words in total in the form of written assignments. In the graduate phase, regular master students will increase this amount by 45,000, whilst research master students produce an additional 70,000 words. The majority of these texts, including the thesis, are only read by a handful of people. Since 2009 the Faculty of Archaeology requires all theses from both graduate and undergraduate students to be uploaded in the digital repository. Currently, most people are unaware of the fact that information on these theses, including extensive abstracts and author contact information, can be found online. A substantial part of these works is openly accessible as well ( In order to stimulate the use of this invaluable database, and to promote student research beyond the publications in INTER-SECTION, we have decided to provide a complete over- view of new theses in every edition. The list presented here contains all theses effectuated between September 2016 and February 2017. We encourage our readers to consult the Leiden Repository for more information on the titles listed below. Bachelor theses Berge Henegouwen, D. Beenmerg, geliefd product van de paleolithische jager? De voedingswaarde van beenmerg, aan de hand van de paardenassemblage van Schöningen13II-4, Noord-Duitsland, een vroeg-paleolithische site. Dijk, van C. Crumbling Castles. Exploring the differentiation between besieged and non-besieged castles using military material, with a case study of eight castle in the county of Holland during the period 1250-1450. Harteveld, T. Physical Activity in Rural Archaeological Sites. What Variation can be Expected Between Rural Sites in Terms of Physical Activity on Bones in the Netherlands during Post-Medieval Times? Kerkhof, M.J.H. From the Man-the Hunter to Ladies-in Waiting. Mainstream Archaeology and Gender Bias in Dutch Elementary School Books. Sep, N. What about the Archaeology? A thesis on Mexico’s Yucatan and Campeche Archaeological remains endangered by Monsanto’s soy cultivation. Versteeg, A. De aanwezigheid van vrouwen binnen de Romeins-militaire gemeenschappen in West-Nederland tussen de eerste en de derde eeuw n. Chr. Vroom, R. Revisiting the Caribbean Architectural Mode. A study of the structures at the Late Ceramic site of Argyle, St. Vincent. Master theses Baetsen, W. in the search for a potential ‘genetic bias’ for language, using two Dutch historical skeletal populations. Beuger, S. Predictive modeling for Bronze Age depositions in East-Drenthe, Netherlands. Bulder, A. The Carthusian monastery near Delft 1469-1573: Sober hermits? 2017 | INTER-SECTION | VOL III | p.43