INTER-SECTION Volume III | Page 44

| Eline B . J . Amsing |
it important to have a voice in the decision-making process . This underlines the importance of the values assessment per stakeholder group in an early stage of the project , because then values-centred choices can be made and sustainable outcomes are secured because the places created are appreciated by the people they are created for .
The insights from this study contribute to a better understanding of the values attributed to archaeological heritage by different groups of stakeholders . However , more data from a larger group of people about their views on archaeology would aid further research on heritage values and how the heritage sector could respond to this , both in the type of projects we initiate and the ways in which we engage with various stakeholders in heritage management .
Acknowledgements Firstly , I would like to thank Dr . Monique van den Dries for being my thesis supervisor and for guiding me in writing this article . I would also like to thank Evert van Ginkel for his help and support in writing my thesis and all 22 interviewees for their willingness to participate in the research . Lastly , I would like to thank the editorial board of INTER-SECTION and the peer reviewer for their suggestions and reviews .
1 The modes of communication ( Fung 2006 ) and the level of participation on the ‘ participation ladder ’ ( Van Houwelingen et . al . 2014 ), as well as the efforts of the direct stakeholders to engage with the indirect stakeholders are further elaborated upon in Amsing 2015 . These analyses are not included in the present article , as exceeding the scope of this article .
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