INTER-SECTION Volume III | Page 43

| Assessing stakeholders’ values and interests for Archaeological Park Matilo and Castellum Hoge Woerd, the Netherlands | site serves as a multifunctional centre that attracts a wider spectrum of people and enterprises, and is therefore more likely to provide social and economic means to the location. The multifunctionality of both site parks is particularly apparent in Utrecht, where cultural and economic values are more emphasised than in Leiden. Both parks provide cultural activities related to music, dance, and theatre, but in the Castellum, theatre Podium Hoge Woerd is committed to form a full program of performances. In Leiden, there is no long-term involvement of a similar commercial with planning activities. The case studies indicate that the involvement of commercial parties, like a theatre and a restaurant, contributes to a sustainable exploitation concept for an archaeological site, Including the social values of the indirect stakeholders turned out to be the most challenging in both projects. The site parks provide a public space where local people can meet, recreate, participate in social gatherings, and feel attached to. However, community interest groups would have wanted the project management to focus more strongly on other social values as well, like the transparency in information provision and open attitudes in communication strategies. It is the course of the project development that they are not content with, as they have the feeling they are not listened to, or that there is a lack of mutual understanding about, for example, the functions and design of the park. Interestingly, the primary stakeholders were most positive about the level of community engagement they had achieved. In Leiden, the councillor said they “had very close contact with the neighbourhoods”. The councillor, however, noticed that local people had different ambitions; while he was very enthusiastic about the importance of the for their children. And in Utrecht, where much effort was put in ‘place-making’ and local engagement prior to the project, the project manager noticed that some people responded to the project plan in a way like “great plan, but not in my backyard”. What appeared to be successful in both projects are small-scale co-production projects. The trust of the project management in local organisations to develop parts of the park, like the kitchen gardens and artwork, stimulated