INTER-SECTION Volume III | Page 42

| Eline B.J. Amsing | planning and decision-making process with the degree of interest in the project, further differentiated the groups of stakeholders. Commitment to the project, as demonstrated by the investment of time and resources and eagerness to engage in debates around the project, determines the degree of interest in the project of a certain stakeholder group. The determine stakeholder engagement strategies (Fung 2006). Here, the diagram helps to understand who 1 All kinds of values are attributed to the archaeological heritage sites. Values are positive characteristics that The stakeholders also have wide raging interests, which are the underlying needs or wants that they et al. 2010). Assessing the values and interests and comparing the assessment with the outcome of the projects, allowed for an analysis of the values that were prioritised in the development of the site parks, as well as the differences and similarities between the case study projects. In addition, the interview data provided contextual information about the thoughts and feelings of the stakeholders. Results of the values assesment The interviewees positively reviewed many things, like the archaeologically inspired designs of the park, small scale co-production projects, and the involvement of (partially) commercial parties. From the analysis, it is clear that for those the site predominated. To them, these determine development of the site parks. Both parks convey a relation to the past through the archaeologically inspired designs and the exhibitions about the history of the site. Paradoxically, the site parks research, but at the same time the monumental status prevents scientists from conducting archaeological research for many years to come. In both site parks, the project management chose to put a strong focus on educational values as well. The capability of the archaeological site to teach visitors about the past is incorporated in both parks; the story of the past is translated into a contemporary visitor program, with workshops, guided tours, etc. Through these properties, archaeological heritage is associated with themes like natural environment and sustainability. Placing archaeology in a wider context makes it more interesting for a municipality to invest in an archaeological site park, because the Castellum Hoge Woerd State Service for Cultural Heritage Councillor Municipal Project Manager State Service for Cultural Heritage Municipal Heritage Department Municipal Project Manager Municipal Heritage Department Theatre, City Farm, Restaurant Historical for ‘school gardens’ Local Fruit Farmer Councillor for ‘city gardens’ Two community interest groups Two community interest groups Local residents Low Local residents Middle Interest of stakeholder group Figure 3. Position of stakeholder groups (by author). p. 40 | VOL III | INTER-SECTION | 2017 High Low Middle Interest of stakeholder group High