INTER-SECTION Volume I | Page 33

INTER-SECTION is a journal intended for everyone that is connected to the Leiden University Faculty of Archaeology. The journal offers an accessible platform for the publication of individual research performed by undergraduate and graduate students. Guided by a staff member referee, authors write an article that is peerreviewed by a scholar from outside the faculty. Articles are peer-reviewed journal written by and for students which will also be an interesting read for staff members, as they are asked to review the articles as well. At INTER-SECTION, we feel it is important that the publications printed in the journal aid the student-authors in EXLOGLQJWKHLUVFLHQWLÀFFDUHHUV7KHRQOLQHRSHQDFFHVVRIWKHMRXUQDOLVRQHZD\ of achieving that; the authors can easily add their publication to their CV and/or account. 2015 | INTER-SECTION | VOL I | p.33