INTER-SECTION Volume I | Page 31

Carroll, G.M.A., 2015. Metabolic Stable Isotope fractionation: Biogeochemical Approaches to Diagnosing Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Anemia in the Archaeological record. Dielema-Hovinga, A-.T., 2015. The Middle-Roman period: a fruitful phase for the Meuse-Demer-Scheldt Area? Doeve, P., 2015. 7KH/RQJMRXUQH\RIHDUO\PHGLHYDOZRRGHVWDEOLVKLQJDEVROXWHGDWHVDQGGHWHUPLQLQJthe provencance of timbers from the Oegstgeest-Rijnfront site. Gupta, S., 2015. 1DYLJDWLQJ&HUDPLF9DULDWLRQLQ&DUWKDJH WKFHQWXU\%&(WK&HQWXU\&(  Hageraats, C., 2015. Who says myths are not real? Looking at archaeology and oral history as two complementary sources of data. Hattum, I., 2015. “What’s on the Menu?”: Diet in Medieval Holland - A stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of bone “collagen” from early medieval Blokhuizen and late medieval Alkmaar. Heemst, S.D. van, 2015. Gender as a part of sustainable Archaeological Heritage Management: The promotion of gender equality by UNESCO World Heritage sites as part of sustainable heritage management policies. Heyes, P., 2015. Pragmetic or Symbolic: Neanderthals Uses for Manganese Dioxide in South West France during the Late Middle Palaeolithic. Hof, M. van den, 2015. Entering the Bronze Age. The fuctional placement and cultural value of entrances during the Middle Bronze Age in the Netherlands. Honigh, B., 2015. Golden Messages. Exploring the Roman monetary policy and gold supply of Germania Inferior from 49 BC-AD 423. Huismans, A., 2015. The archaeological visibility of Breda’s Golden Era. Jachvliani, D., 2015. Beyond the realm of Haldi. Northern periphery of Biainili – Urartu. Jäger, S., 2015. Age and Morbidity at the beginning of Life- An evaluation of three ageing methods and assessment of infant mortality in a nineteenth century Dutch skeletal collection. Keemink, M., 2015. Glass distribution in the Late Middle Ages in North-Western Europe: the case of Sluis compared to the Low countries. Korpershoek, R., 2015. From ruler to symbol: the changing meaning of Alexander portraits in the Hellenistic period. Kozowyk, P., 2015. Stuck in the middle with glue: Performance testing of Middle Palaeolithic and Middle Stone Age adhesives. Kromotaroeno, C., 2015. Osseous objects of Oegstgeest. A functional analysis of the bone and antler objects of the  (DUO\0HGLHYDOVHWWOHPHQWRI2HJVWJHHVW 1LHXZ5KLMQJHHVW=XLG  Kwast, S., 2015. The Malta Convention in the Caribbean. A comparison of the implementation of the European  &RQYHQWLRQRQWKHSURWHFWLRQRIWKH$UFKDHRORJLFDO+HULWDJH UHYLVHG 9DOOHWWD LQWKH)UHQFK'XWFK and British Overseas Countries and Territories in the Caribbean. Limpt, N. de Vries-van, 2015. 7KHUROHRISODQWVLQ0RFKHLFRQRJUDSK\$QDQDO\VLVRIÀQHOLQHSDLQWLQJVon stirrup spout bottles. Livitsanis, G., 2015. Ithacans Bearing Pots - Pottery and Social Dynamics in Late Archaic and Classical Polis Valley, Ithaca Island. Maikidou Poutrino, D., 2015. The Statues of Isis in the sanctuary of the Egyptian Gods in Marathon. Meaning and context in a Global Roman World. Mann, L., 2015. 7KH/HLGHQ&RIÀQVRI%DE(O*DVXV$Q$UFKDHPHWULF6WXG\ Medne, D., 2015. Contemporary art in archaeology museums: interaction between art and archaeology. A case study  RIWKH1DWLRQDO0XVHXPRI$QWLTXLWLHV 502  Mulder, B., 2015. Is Entheseal Change a marker of activity? Muzzigoni, T., 2015. Disneyfying the Middle Ages. The Medieval Period in Contemporary Museum Exhibitions. Nogarede, S-.J., 2015. White mans’s burden: getting past neocolonialism in shared heritage policies and practice. Playle, I., 2015. By the Beard of Zeus! Public Perception and Museum portrayal of Classical Mythology and Religion. Quinn, A., 2015. Clever-speaking Tool: An Archaeological Study of Servus Callidus Figurines in a Roman Social Context. Rungchawannont, M., 2015. A journey to the past. An Analysis of the contemporary display of the Death Railway, Thailand. 2015 | INTER-SECTION | VOL I | p.31