Price 60/- RNI: MPENG/2016/67408 Intelligent reading is fun! fancy plastic stationery Fish Birds Issue: 03 Vol: 03 Make a list of what I need. Plastic Toys Take my cloth bag. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF PLASTIC Obs e rv a ti o n Cold Drinks Plastic Bottles. Coffee Cups Cats & Dogs Gets in the food chain & later returned to us. Apr’18 Straws When I Drink Plastic Plates & Spoons. SAY NO Use Reusable Bottles TO PLASTIC! Fam ily b on d Use Reusable Cups Polyester WHEN I EAT Apples Nuts Cookies Chips G Popcorn Let's not l Wool WHAT I WEAR Silk Scarves Jackets (Woollen) Earth! Cotton T-Shirts