Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 08 | Page 51

Ground-breaking payment technologies on Microsoft Azure PCI-DSS and MasterCard Certified Payment Processing Compliance and Financial Control Solutions Retail Management and Payment Systems The deployment of secure processing technology environments is an arduous and costly process. With legacy systems still mainframe-based; and even relatively recent processing platforms burdened down with hardware security, key management and encryption devices; deploying quickly - or changing anything at all - is something not to be undertaken by the faint hearted. The rulebook has now been re-written. NEC Payments ground-breaking approach to software-based security by design; coupled with the power, scalability and speed of the Microsoft Azure cloud is enabling digital transformation and delivering new deployment options for secure processing workload: right here, right now. Please contact us at to find out what we can help you to achieve. NEC Payments B.S.C (c) Office 32 Classic Tower, Building 869, Road 3618, Block 436, Seef, Kingdom of Bahrain T: +973 1720 3000 E: [email protected] Licensed and Regulated by Central Bank of Bahrain. NECPAYMENTS NEC-PAYMENTS NECPAYMENTS