Intelligent Tech Channels Issue 01 | Page 48


Selecting your strategic data centre partner

The right selection of a data centre is a blend of auditing tangible metrics and assessing the human side of operations , according to Sachin Bhardwaj from eHosting DataFort .

Every data centre has its share of strengths and characteristics that is the sum of its capital investments and innovative way of operations . An endcustomer wanting to select a data centre that meets its requirements in terms of availability and reliability must be ready to go down both the paths of assessments .

What should you look for in your data centre partner ? Below are some important categories for assessment :

1 Certifications

Third party certifications can help end customers gain confidence in the publicly available credentials of a data centre . As an example , The Global Data Center Authority , Uptime Institute ’ s Tier Standard offers four grades I , II , III , IV in the areas of constructed facility and operational sustainability . If a data centre is compliant and graded for its constructed facility it becomes eligible to be certified for operational sustainability .
In summary , it covers staffing levels , skills , training , qualifications , effectiveness of maintenance and data centre operations , policies that affect planning and coordination of activities , building characteristics , site location , organisational controls and security . Certifications are also independently provided by Payment Card Industry and HIPPA amongst others .

2 Location The location of the data centre is one of the most important single factors that can influence its selection . Is the data centre located in a region of extreme weather change susceptible to large scale changes of wind , rain , and snow ? These can frequently limit movement and activity . Or is the data centre located in a region of geologic activity with frequent tectonic movements that can stress the building structures ? Is there a significant power feeder