Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 19 | Page 41

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getting visibility into all this data across all the nodes where it resides and the networks across which it moves. Organisations are struggling just to know where all their data is. It’s even more challenging to be certain that it’s recoverable in the event of an outage, attack, loss or theft. That it’s available for the predictive analytics that help them gain competitive advantage and improve business performance. That it’s in compliance as new regulations like GDPR, PoPI and the likes go into effect anywhere across the globe. And that it’s always available for services and users. Hyper-availability, ultimately, is the holy grail for every enterprise. Today, availability is based on policy-based mechanisms where data is often manually relocated to optimise cost and performance or to recover from a security intrusion. Tomorrow’s availability must evolve to a more autonomous model where the system reacts and adjusts automatically to any significant changes in the behaviour of data, apps, or users anywhere across the enterprise. This level of automation is a big leap from where we are today. FEATURE: BIG DATA towards the holy grail of intelligent data management by ensuring data is always protected, in compliance and available when needed. Skilling up for intelligence To meet the challenges of hyper-criticality, hyper-growth and hyper-sprawl of data, businesses need three things – a new data management strategy, a new approach to data management and a new enterprise platform to help them on their journey In South Africa, there is a significant skills shortage especially around Big Data. While this is hardly unique to the country, there needs to be a concerted effort by enterprise and education to address the DATA IS THE ENGINE OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, THE LIFEBLOOD OF APPLICATIONS, THE CURRENCY OF BUSINESS AND THE BEATING HEART OF DIGITAL LIFE. INTELLIGENTCIO 41