Inspiring Lives Magazine Summer 2016: Issue 1 | страница 57

Heard that quote before ? So have I . Several years ago . When I was building what as at the time , one of my businesses . My intensity was so focused that my mind , body , and spirit became imbalanced and disconnected . I ballooned to my highest weight , to the point where the mirror reflected someone I did not recognize . More urgently , I became physically ill . I was forcing my success and following all the motivational quotes I favored , only to retreat to square one .

You see , I was focused , but I wasn ’ t paying attention . That ’ s the difference . I was listening , but I did not hear . I began to wither more and more . Meanwhile , I ventured out to networking and seminars to see what I was missing and what I wasn ’ t learning . And there ’ s the rub . In business , as in life , we need knowledge , education , tools , and training to support us . All of this is tantamount to our success as entrepreneurs and business owners , as is branding , marketing / advertising , team-building , etc . The misconception , however , is in thinking that this is all you need . If it were that simple , would not everyone be successful ?
When I won the Inspiring Lives ’ Empowerment Award ( for Leading Women to Their Own Empowerment ) this year , hearing my name being announced was surreal — not because I felt I was undeserving but because I didn ’ t feel I contributed much effort toward winning . In the past and in many goals I was driven to achieve , I not only put in tons of effort , but I had to be in control . For me , asking for anything was not a strong suit and , as I came to realize , not asking for help is a weakness .
Shortly before meeting Dr . Shellie Hipsky last March , I had decided to overcome my fear of “ asking .” “ What ’ s the worst that could happen ?” I asked myself . And so I asked a friend to introduce me to Shellie . Had I not crept out of my comfort zone , I would never have enjoyed the exquisite experience of being a part of an amazing Global Sisterhood and league of extraordinary women . By now I knew that asking and getting a “ no ” was not the end of the world and that there are reasons for every “ no ,” one being that something better is always behind the rejection .
What three empowering lessons can you learn from the previous paragraph ?
1 . Learn what your weakness is . Lean into and face it head on , no questions asked . 2 . Know that you can learn everything you need to in order to propel your business , but you cannot lead yourself .
3 . Relinquish control and allow yourself to “ be led .” I now know from personal experience that you can be equipped with all the information in the world , but it is not the catalyst to business growth . That said , I would love to be able to say that I controlled my destiny , but the only thing I really controlled was my ego , or rather , my ego controlled me . If not , surely I could have predicted what was going to happen , right ? It ’ s also easier to say buh-bye to the ego and live life day-to-day , hour-by-hour , moment-by-moment . It just is . I am better served when I let go of my own hold , empty my mind of preconceived notions of how things should run , and implement the tools , strategies , and action steps , and watch it flow . So much easier !
If you look back , you ’ ll see that this principle has applied and manifested time and again , whether it be with your business , personal life , or relationships . When you pursue what feels right , good , and clear , you will encounter more success than if you set out to accomplish it on your own ! I can ’ t begin to recount how many times I started some new venture that lacked a sense of joy or “ knowing ” that this is what I was supposed to be doing .
Things are different now that I have found the reason and the answer . I ’ m not saying you shouldn ’ t let your passion lead . In fact , you should ! Just know that the day will come when your deep passion and true purpose intersect , and when it does , everything will fit like a puzzle . Leading yourself to greatness — although in concept sounds profoundly powerful — is a fallacy . You can only be empowered by God … when , if , and until you have found , as Paulo Coelho describes it , your “ personal legend .”
Of course it will take time . There is a rocky road ahead of you , and roadblocks will appear in order for growth spurts to happen . And the blocks will become bigger and the road rockier . Brace yourself , pace yourself , find balance , don ’ t quit , be relentless , and understand that every hardship and challenge is meant to move you to the next level in momentum . All of this , in hindsight , is good and in God ’ s plan . Be patient with yourself !
And if you lead with the soul , your business WILL manifest . As Howard Schultz , Starbucks ’ CEO , professes , “ Every business should have a soul !”
Caryn Chow , America ’ s “ Love your Life Coach ” is an author , speaker , celebrity , and lifestyle architect . Caryn Chow helps people offset their mindset utilizing a unique blend of mindfulness and breakthrough techniques .
carynchow . com