INSpiREzine Tessellations! | Page 11

The word tessellation is

derived from the the Latin

tessera, meaning a small block

of stone, tile, glass or other

material as used in the

construction of a mosaic.

Similarly, the Greek tesseres,

means "four" and refers to the

four sides of a square, the

first shape to be tessellated.

Do They Tessellate? Yes or No?

What Is A Tessellation?

Patterns created by fitting together replicas of the same basic shape are visible in nature and in human design. Examples range from a simple tiled floor or the hexagonal pattern of the honeycomb to the mathematically elaborate mosaics created by M.C. Escher. These patterns are called tessellations.

A tessellation is an arrangement of shapes, closely fitted together without gaps or overlap. “Tiling” is another word that is often used interchangeably to mean the same thing.