INSpiREzine Tangrams! | Page 65

heads bobbed up and down taking short breaths then quickly going back down. Fish of all colours all shapes, all sizes swam in every direction in little schools.

“Thought is the wind, knowledge is the sail and mankind is the vessel.”(AH)

The wind blew hard blowing the salty air towards me. The wind blew hard and strong. Surrounding my candle and extinguishing it with one blow. I didn’t notice. I was to caught up in the joy of what was happening. Birds flew overhead. Their singing turning to a warning. Fly away, It's not safe. But I didn’t notice. Running and jumping. Spinning and smiling. Running around my small boat. All the animals started to disappear. The wind grew stronger and so did the waves. The wind howled and screamed. The waves pushing my boat side to side. Rocking it to its tip so close I almost fell. Then with one big hit, I did. I fell deep into the dark ocean and dark fog surrounded me. Not letting me breathe. Spinning me around so fast. Faster. Faster. I blacked out.