INSpiREzine Tangrams! | Page 61

He grew the juiciest oranges and had the crispest apples. The man loved his life except for one thing; sometimes he felt lonely.

“No Ma!” I yelled.

“I’m not going to allow you to go out to that foggy island,” Ma said in tone so calm it scared me. “Everyone knows it’s haunted.”

“But I need-”

“You don’t need anything, now go to your room,” snapped Ma.

I ran up the stairs of the old rickety house and slammed my door shut. I looked out my cracked glass window at the island. I stood up and decided I was going there no matter what my ma said. I ran to my closet and packed a small bag. This could be a long trip. I opened my small window and squeezed myself out. I took one last look at our old rickety house and turned away. I hopped in my sailboat and started out. I’m ready now, to sail my dream.