INSpiREzine Tangrams! | Page 30

A QUADRILATERAL is a four sided polygon. A property unique to quadrilaterals is that they can have parallel opposite sides (have the same continuous distance between them).

A trapezoid is a type of quadrilateral with only one set of parallel sides.

A parallelogram is a type of quadrilateral whose two pairs of opposite sides are parallel, and as a result, the opposite sides are of equal length. Squares, rectangles, and rhombi are all parallelograms since their opposite sides are parallel.

A rectangle is a type of parallelogram whose sides are perpendicular or meet at 90° angles.

A square is a special type of rectangle whose sides are all of equal length.

A rhomboid is a type of parallelogram whose sides do not meet at 90°.

A rhombus is a special type of rhomboid whose sides are all of equal length.





A Lesson in Geometry