INSpiREzine Stars! | Page 52

Finding the North Star (Northern Hemisphere)

Finding East & West and South

(Northern Hemisphere)

Look for Polaris:

It is the brightest star in the

constellation Ursa Minor (aka the Little

Dipper). It can be found in the tail of

the constellation.

A second way to find Polaris is to first

find the Big Dipper - part of the Ursa

Major constellation. The two stars that

form the right side of the dipper’s cup,

within 1 degree of true east-west.

To determine south, follow the

sword that hangs from Orion’s Belt. If

you follow the sword, it will point you

directly south.

Look for the constellation Orion.

Orion, the Hunter, bears a resemblance

to a bent hourglass.

The three stars in the middle,

represent Orion’s belt. The belt runs