INSpiREzine Stars! | Page 31

In 1937, the first radio telescopes

were built and were used to detect

radio emissions from natural and man-

made celestial objects. This allowed

astronomers to identify seemingly

invisible radiation from all over the


October 24, 1946: The first photo of

the Earth is taken from space.

October 4, 1957: Russia launches the

first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into

orbit, beginning the space age. The US

launches its first satellite, Explorer 1,

four months later.

November 3, 1957: Laika, a dog from

the USSR, becomes first living creature

to orbit the Earth.

In 1961, the first gamma-ray

telescope was launched which enabled

the study of supernovae and pulsars.

The 1960’s also saw the use of balloon-

borne telescopes to collect information

about stars based on their heat


April 12, 1961: Yuri Gagarin

becomes the first human in outer space.

June 16, 1963: Valentina Tereshkova

becomes the first woman in outer
