INSpiREzine Stars! | Page 17

Star Classification

Stars are classified by their spectra (the

elements that they absorb) and their

temperature. There are seven main

types of stars; in order of decreasing

temperature, O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. The

temperature of each spectral class is

then further subdivided from hot to

cool by the simple addition of a

number, where 0 is the hottest and 9

the coolest. The Sun is considered a G-

class star.

Red hot and cool ice blue – NOT! We are

accustomed to referring to things that

are red as hot and those that are blue

as cool. In fact though, heated objects

change colour as their temperature

changes and red represents the lowest

temperature at which a heated object

can glow in visible light. As it gets

hotter, the colour changes to white and

ultimately to blue. So the red stars you

see in the sky are the “coolest” (least

hot), and the blue stars are the hottest!