INSpiREzine Tessellations! | Page 6

Welcome to the first issue of INSpiREzine.

There is something magical about the way that shapes can be fit together to create something beautiful. Twisted, turned and transformed into a canvas of art. Something out of nothing.

Interestingly, tessellations require both a flare of artistic imagination and an appreciation of geometry.

I first learned about tessellations upon attending an exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada, in 2015, “M.C. Escher: The Mathemagician.” My appreciation of the intricate mathematics involved was not nearly as great as my awe of the incredible works on exhibit.

I like math AND I like art. People always want to know if I am going to be a scientist or an artist. I still have not decided. Maybe one or the other, neither or both! I figure, if Escher did not have to decide, neither do I!

I hope you enjoy the first issue of INSpiREzine!

- Rowan