INSpiREzine Tessellations! | Page 3

In 2017, INSpiRED by Eugenia

Cheng (mathematician, musician & artist)

and her book “How to Bake Pi: An

Edible Exploration of the

Mathematics of Mathematics”,

I decided to further explore the

relationships between math and art

in the ever evolving world around

myself. What started out as a

Grade 4 school project

metamorphosized into BetterThanPi

- an online platform upon which to

explore and highlight the unique

yet interdependent facets of the

brain: right vs left - art & creativity

vs science & logic. INSpiREzine is the

webzine derivative of BetterThanPi.

Each issue explores a singular topic

from both an artistic and scientific


Are you an artist? Or are you a

scientist? Contrary to conventional

thinking, none of us are

all of one and none of the other.

Each of us are unique and

varied mixes of skills and expressive

inclinations. Personally, I like to

think that I am a healthy blend of

both. I love math. I love art. I

certainly hope that you do too!

- Rowan Parkinson

(-with INSpiRATION courtesy of Avery Parkinson)