Inspire Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 16

Gerry leading a Ginastica Natural class. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15) “His main concern was that he wouldn’t be as active as he was used to being,” Dr. Szeto-Wong said. Gerry went in for the ablation the day before Thanksgiving. By 4 p.m., he was on his way home. Gerry chose to have a cardiac ablation. The minimally invasive surgical proce- dure destroys the tissue in the heart that allows the incorrect electrical signals to occur. “People like Gerry who are more active tend to be more aware of symptoms,” Dr. Szeto-Wong said. “Being aware of changes, like an elevated heart rate, can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment. Probably the most dangerous thing about atrial flutter is that it increases the risk of stroke.” It all happened in a matter of days, thanks to Pali Momi's state-of-the-art electrophysiology lab. The facility opened in 2017 with the equipment and specialized staff needed to perform cardiac ablations and other life-chang- ing electrophysiology procedures. 16 INSPIRE | FA L L 2 0 1 8 TODAY, GERRY IS BACK TO HIS BUSY SCHEDULE. He does make annual visits to the cardiologist and makes sure to stay hydrated. He knows he was fortunate to have discovered the problem early. "I surfed with him this morning and he was catching all the waves," profes- sional surfer Zoe McDougall said. "Kid is so energetic and he motivates all of us. He's got endless energy that he just passes onto all of us. It was really surprising [when he had heart trouble] because we always think of him as the healthiest guy that we know. It just shows that it can happen to anyone." “The main thing is getting your life back,” Gerry said. “You start thinking maybe I won’t be able to do jiu-jitsu or surf. To be able to come back—it’s like, wow!”