Inspire Entertainment Magazine Summer 2014 - Vol. 5 | Page 103

J ennifer Hudson knows that it takes a lot of hard work to reach a big goal; after all, she did rise through the ranks of “American Idol”, and even though she wasn’t the winner that season, she turned her time on the competition into a record deal and eventually made the move to the big screen in films like “The Secret Life Of Bees," Sex And The City," and the movie she won an Academy-Award for "Dreamgirls." We appreciate Hudson for taking time out of her busy schedule to share with us how she lost 80-pounds. Here, in Hudson's own words are the diet, motivation, and fitness tips that helped her take off the weight. “The key about losing weight: You have to do it for you,” said Hudson. “It’s not about even starting the journey, it’s about you. You have to want to do it. And you can’t let what everyone has to say overshadow what you want for you. If you want to meet your goals, you have to make it about you. Anything less is a setup for failure." INTERVIEWER: Some people respond negatively to the daily fluctuations of the scale, whereas others find them motivating and informational. How important is weighing yourself every day? HUDSON: Even though many experts will tell you not to weigh yourself daily, it’s now the first thing I do every morning. I weigh completely naked so there is nothing that can mysteriously add an unexpected pound here or there other than my food intake. (continue to next page)