Inspire Change Wellness Alcohol Addiction Treatment | Page 4

The Effects of Alcohol Addiction  Chronic effects ▫ Alcohol Dependency can lead to neurological problems that in the late stages can develop into stroke, dementia and neuropathy. In addition, alcoholism can lead to cardiovascular disease, liver cirrhosis and an increased risk of cancer. On the other hand, Mental illnesses are also common with addicts and are characterized with anxiety and depression. ▫ Alcoholism also takes effect on body tolerance. As time goes, you will find that you need more and more alcohol. At this stage, you may notice some withdrawal symptoms setting in. when that happens, an addict suffers from fatigue, headaches, trembling, depression and anxiety.  Short term Effects ▫ Excess alcohol consumption leads one to bad behaviour. This is because they have lost grip on reason and if not checked, it can lead to accidents. That is why you see alcoholics getting into violence that sometimes end in fatal injuries. Normally, the acts are common in bars and drinking parties and the injuries comes from falling, burning, glass cuts and blows. Accidents related to drunk driving are also very common. They can result in injuries or even death of either the addict or other road users. Drunk driving is against the law and can attract a heavy fines or jail terms depending on your local regulations.