Inspirational English, June 2017 Inspirational English, June 2017 | Page 13

Work Together Hi Seydou. You run the English club ‘’Work together’’. What is the purpose of the English club? Thank you very much for this opportunity. It is an honor to speak to the world about English club and more to the point; about its purpose in our times. I have been involved in English clubs for thirteen years now and I must say that English club is a special gathering of people from different social, ethnic and religious backgrounds. The purpose of English club is to practice English. English clubs in Senegal and across Africa are doing more than just learning and practicing English, they are shaping leaders and developing committed citizens by training their members with the skills that are needed t o move Africa forward. Do you intend to cooperate with teachers from other countries and work on projects to bring positive changes in our communitie Would you tell us who can take part in the club? We are firm believers of unity and cooperation. We are convinced that ‘’no one is an island’’ and Anyone who wants to learn and practice English. In our club we work together with people who have never been to school but are able to play key roles. We try to make it easy for everybody to join the club. One of the founding fathers of the club named Ahmadou Bamba Thiam used to say that ‘’work together English club’’ is doorless meaning that our doors are widely open to all. we all need help in our individual efforts. That is to say that, cooperating with teachers from other countries is what the doctor ordered. Variety is the spice of life. Sharing experience and working with other people on projects will help us discover other cultures and ways of life. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work”. “Many hands make LIGHT work.” 13