Inspirational English, Issue 43, March/April 2018 Inspirational English, Issue 43,March, April 2018 | Page 20

Common Cause: Your current state of mind At times we can all be our own worst enemy right? Facing the overwhelm of an overfilled schedule that can't handle even one more task... and then two are added. Knowing that there is always more work to be done, no matter how late you stay or how full your teacher bag is as you head home. Understanding that no matter how much you care about your students and their well-being once they leave school you can't ensure their needs are met. Being so tired that the fatigue makes you just want to shut down some days. It piles up, it takes a toll - and we can stop seeing all the good around us and all the joy that is possible. D I O V A : T I By taking stock of our own strengths within the field of education we can learn to rely on the traits and abilities that will help us the most to become more resilient educators. We reflect on the challenges and successes of our lessons, how the culture and climate of our classrooms are evolving, and the best ways to meet the needs of our classes. Reflection allows us to make better choices, improve our practice, and be better educators. However, school days are busy and we rarely take the time to turn the mirror around to ourselves. Dr. Tiffany Carr has created a quick and fun quiz that can help you identify your teacher strengths. Visit her website to take the quiz: 20