Inspirational English, Issue 40, 2017 Inspirational English, Issue 40, Sep Oct2017 | Page 25

Tell the learners that the statements they’ve been discussing come from an article called . Inform them that 8 sentences have been removed from the text. Hand out the article and ask them to find the right gap for the sentences. 1-Mix up your routine, try new activities, walk the untrodden path, and open your circle to new people, 2-Treat yourself like you would a best friend or loved one 3-See everyone as a flower – unique and beautiful in their own way. 4-Bring a sense of play, delight, awe and enthusiasm to your daily life and tasks. 5-The more you take care of and support yourself, the more you can take care of and support others 6-Give yourself wholeheartedly to each moment. 7-It makes what you have today enough, while also attracting more great things into your life. 8-Give it to yourself to enjoy earthly pleasures. After you check the reading activity, tell your students that each student should prepare two comprehension quiz questions. Then put the learners into pairs and let them test each other. Split the class into 14 pairs (small groups, depending on the size of the class) and assign a paragraph to each pair. Ask them to remember some key points. Put them into a circle. The students from group 1 have to recall some information from paragraph 1. Then the students from pair 2 have to repeat it and add some information from their paragraph. The process continues until the end of the text. 26