"Inspirational English" , Issue 34 | Page 29

A guest house- a small hotel A punt- a long shallow boat with a flat bottom and square ends which is moved by pushing the end of a long pole against the bottom of a river Meadow- a field covered in grass Frown- to make a serious , angry or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead Clotted cream- a very thick type of cream made by slowly heating milk Catch a glimpse- to see somebody / something for a moment , but not very clearly Intricate- having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together Fossil- the remains of an animal or a plant which have become hard and turned into rock
Read the story and answer the questions :
1 . What do B & Bs offer to their guests ? 2 . What is the Botanic Garden famous for ? 3 . Why do we need a guide when we go punting ? 4 . What do the book “ Alice in Wonderland ” and Christ Church College have in common ? 5 . What is “ cream tea ”? 6 . What impresses Frank at Christ Church College ? 7 . Why does Frank feel tiny at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History ? 8 . Did Frank get the chance to take part in a workshop there ?
Oxford University Museum of Natural History .
Image Credit : Inspirational English