"Inspirational English" , Issue 34 | Page 21

Check out page 26 to find out how you can win a copy of the book “ Peace Plan ”
Last but not least , before Christmas a wonderful book for young learners was published , called “ Peace Plan ”. Would you share with us how you came up with the idea and also how teachers and parents can obtain a copy ?
A few months ago , a friend who works as a supply teacher asked if I knew any storybooks about peace , empathy and tolerance . I didn ' t , so I spoke to Julie G . Fox , the creator of Clever Fox Press , and she said ' Let ' s write one !' and the Peace Plan was born . The story takes place in Bluebell Wood , which is a magical place , but the animals don ’ t get along very well and have been squabbling a lot . Brave Badger and Clever Fox come up with a Peace Plan to make the wood a kinder place to live . But will everyone agree ?
The Peace Plan and all other Heart ELT books can be ordered from Keltic Books online . http :// www . keltic . co . uk / category / view / id / 160 / categor y / Heart + ELT
Peace Plan is also available from Amazon .
https :// www . amazon . co . uk / gp / aw / d / 0952461463 / ref = mp _ s _ a _ 1 _ 1 ? ie = UTF8 & qid = 1486359688 & sr = 8- 1 & pi = AC _ SX236 _ SY340 _ QL65 & keywords = peace + plan & dpPl = 1 & dpID = 61Px5bnC1uL & ref = plSrch
Image credit : Heart ELT

Check out page 26 to find out how you can win a copy of the book “ Peace Plan ”

Julie Pratten kindly shares one of her “ Love ” activites with us . Thank you , Julie !

Spread the Love

Teacher ’ s notes

Valentine ' s Day , which is on 14 February , is usually associated with romantic love . Although it is a lovely gesture to remember your ' romantic ' partner on this day with a bunch of flowers , a card or a special surprise , how about if we also spread a little love in our communities ? This simple activity encourages our students to reflect for a moment how they could spread love in their community .
Photocopy enough copies of the heart sheet and give each member of the class a heart . Ask them to reflect for a moment . What could they do in their local community to spread a little love ? It could be at home , at school or in the neighbourhood . Each student can write their ideas on the heart and then compare with other members of the group . After this , they could discuss and choose the best ideas in groups . Finally . The students could make ' Spread the Love ' posters and put them around the school .