"Inspirational English" , Issue 34 | Page 15


When I was young , I never wanted to be a teacher . I thought it was the most difficult and least paid job in the world . But after all of strong refusals , yet I turned out to be a Teacher of English . Do I have some regrets ? Definitely , No . There ’ s a lot I love being a Teacher . It started as part of my life till it became MY LIFE . I really love to see my students learning English because it is not their success alone , but mine as well . Teaching English gives me the chance to speak in different community programs . Recently , I got a
chance to be invited to give Communication Skills training for the Candidates for the Search for Mr . & Ms . Sablayan in our town . It was really fun . I was invited to train candidates for Beauty Pageant . One of my greatest moments as an English teacher is to see my students speaking English in class confidently . Teaching English makes us laugh in class when reading some interesting and funny stories . It really inspires me seeing my students apply everything they have learned from my class .
Being an English teacher is not only about teaching or imparting knowledge to my students ; it ’ s also about setting model to them …,
Image Credit-Mario Sampilo 15