Inspirational English, Issue 33 | Page 16

Many of us don ' t realise that our mood for the day can be affected from the moment we wake up . Whether it ' s waking up late and being rushed or walking round with a frown on your face , almost anything can impact how we feel throughout the day .
Now , we know everyone is allowed to have a bad day , but if you follow these tips we guarantee that they can help you have a better day . simple
1 . Wake up to a pleasant alarm sound 2 . Wake up 15-30 minutes early 3 . Begin your day with a morning stretch 4 . Drink a glass of water 5 . Start your day with sunshine and fresh air 6 . Eat a healthy breakfast 7 . Listen to music on your commute 8 . Smile 9 . Take a break from your desk 10 . Do a random act of kindness
Adapted from thesun . co . uk Image Credit : http :// www . clker . com /
1 . What do you do to feel good in the morning ? 2 . What are your top 3 “ feel good ” tips ?
3 . If you felt grumpy in the morning , would you skive off work ?