Inspirational English, Issue 33 | Page 11

Bullied to a better life

The topic sentences of seven paragraphs have been removed . Can you find the right gap for them ?
a ) The bullies were still picking on me in fourth , fifth , and sixth grades . I would see them in the halls . b ) I started a project called Strive for 85 , since 85 is the magic number of pounds that I lost . c ) By sixth grade , even though I was hardly being bullied , I started to get sick for real . d ) I was in third grade and my parents said I was a cute kid with a great personality who loved to laugh . e ) If you are being bullied , get help . You don ’ t have to deal with this alone . f ) The better I felt , the harder I worked . By the time I got to seventh grade I lost 85 pounds ! g ) I didn ’ t tell my mom and dad why I didn ’ t want to go to school anymore , so instead I would fake being sick all the time .
___( 1 )__ The problem was that I was overweight , and that year the bullying began . A couple of kids at school started picking on me . Before school , after school , at recess , on the bus . “ Fatty , Tubbo , Jelly Roll ” were names I was called every day . They would throw stuff at me too . I was so scared I wouldn ’ t ride the bus and my mom had to take me to school . Even when I got to school I would scream and cry , begging my mom not to leave me there .
___( 2 )___ I just wanted to stay at home where I was safe . My parents talked to my teacher , my principal , and a school counsellor . They finally found out I was being bullied and
I got to switch to a new class with an awesome teacher , Mrs . Willhoite . There were not any bullies in her class and she would let me bring my lunch to her room and eat with her so I didn ’ t have to go to recess and be around those mean kids from my old class .
__( 3 )__ They ’ d be there at recesses . But I had finally been truthful and asked for help . My mom and dad worked with the school to make sure I was in good classes and protected as much as possible . Would the bullying have been so bad if I had asked for help in the very beginning ? I don ’ t know , but I do know that once my parents found out they got me help . And once I got help , I didn ’ t have to deal with the bullies by myself .
__( 4 )__ I weighed 206 pounds by the time I was eleven . I had solved the bullying problem , but now I had to take care of my health . I started drinking water instead of soda , eating fruits and veggies instead of chips and candy . I even put down my Xbox controller and went outside . I got active and started getting healthier . I lost some weight and felt great . I lost some more it was awesome ! The harder I worked , the more I lost .
__( 5 )___ My friends hardly recognized me . The bullies didn ’ t even think I was the same kid and left
( cont . on page 12 )