Inspiras: From Doha to Kyoto | Page 26

The seminar series for university students

Empowering the next generation to change the world is neither an easily definable mission nor a simple task , but it certainly is a prerequisite to achieving the ambitious Sustainable Development Agenda . While students at the tertiary level are often already aware of – and reasonably informed about – the challenges facing the global community and have ideas about what they want to do , many may feel they have not yet found the ideal avenue through which to pursue their professional aspirations .
Specialized agencies working in development can often play a guiding role at this stage , supplementing the educational institutions ’ teaching by offering a more in-depth perspective on various fields . In the case of UNODC ’ s Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration , whose mission to support SDG 16 entails the promotion of a culture of lawfulness , a seminar demonstrating how the rule of law can be strengthened through a variety of modern methods has been developed by its expert team .
It launched in 2019 at the renowned Diplomatic Academy of Vienna , a historic institution from which many women and men have graduated to take up positions of leadership in various international careers , shaping the trajectory of the modern world . On a glorious fall weekend , some 50 students gathered to listen to and to engage with a dedicated Doha Programme team prepared to impart years of combined expertise on various aspects of rule of law , and how it applies to everyday life . From the importance of the SDGs and the work of UNODC , to the basic values and technical skills promoted through its four components , and even to the crucial place of public information and advocacy in this line of work , students got a bird ’ s eye view on how the Programme ’ s tools and projects have positively impacted lives on several continents .
“ No society can prosper without peace , justice and strong and independent institutions ,” remarked Marco Teixeira , Senior Programme Officer . “ This is why this seminar is about empowering students like these , the next generation of policymakers , diplomats and leaders , and inspiring them through our expertise and experience to embrace their part in making the world a safer and more just place .”