and photographer, creating a visual representation of the human experience. In his series, Aleph, the subject’s physicality ranges from absolute despair, turmoil and loneliness, to gentle longing and serenity. “Aleph captures the moment in time when all the emotions collapse— where there exists everything and nothing,” says Pollini, whose series of versatile expressions incite the variations of apathy and sensitivity that humans are prone to experience—at times, simultaneously. Aligning mathematics in his artistic process once more, the name of Pollini’s series alludes to the mathematical term, ‘aleph’. Aleph numbers are sequential numbers that represent the abstract concept of infinite sets, allowing infinite sets to be understood, categorized and organized. Much like the Chaos Theory, which claims that patterns and recognizable consistencies can be found even in the random and chaotic, the use of the term ‘aleph’ as 29