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Generating Business Value from Internet of Things

Today , SAP is spiking in developing Internet of Things ( IoT ) applications and IoT services . SAP has a clear vision about the investment . There are three new IoT services which are aimed at helping enterprises to reduce costs and to develop IoT applications . The IT resource needs to manage IoT data , and derive business value from the same data .

The IoT services are SAP Connected Goods , SAP Dynamic Edge Processing and SAP IoT Application Enablement . It appears that a solid IoT application environment with new IoT services is settled by SAP to the the foundations .
IoT functionality is added in a smart way for the customers to build IoT solutions , with the help of SAP HANA Cloud Platform ( HCP ). It is seen that IoT solutions in their real implementation differ substantially between deployments and need a platform as a service . Now SAP has to look forward towards the customer adoption validating the market viability of the IoT packages SAP has built . SAP ’ s IoT services offerings look good on an individual basis , but it may lack a coherent narrative .
SAP ’ s IoT approach has come a long way in a couple of years . Many take advantage not only of HANA , but so called end-to-end scenarios that top into SAP ' s ERP strengths . A role can be played by SAP ’ s HCP for customers looking for IoT services and a platform to build on . But there should be more logical view of working of all these IoT initiatives together . It is very difficult from the outside to explain how they fit together into one value proposition for customers as there are a few groups in SAP that seem to have their hands in IoT projects .
Vendors and their customers try to recognize whether IoT data can benefit their business or not . There are three aspects from which SAP access new products and challenges and they are machines , data origination and virtual modeling .
Choice Making SAP Connected Goods is an HCP-based application . It is designed to help the businesses to manage and get value out of mass market devices and machines . The reason behind getting these goods is really interesting for the customers , because the value chain can be extended
32 JULY 2017 |