insideSUSSEX Magazine | Page 73

WE BELIEVE That change is as good as a rest

Believe it or not , our Henley oak kitchen used to be seen as our most traditional , our most classic , and our most refined collection .
But we knew it had hidden depths . So we took it apart and looked at all of the pieces from the inside-out and from the outside-in . Then we added new ones . To those of you who knew it before , it might look familiar , but it ’ s an entirely new era of design .
It ’ s Henley , redefined . Now available in both oak and painted . neptune . com
Neptune Hove , 379 Kingsway , Hove , BN3 4QD , 01273 458459 , info @ neptunehove . com Neptune Hailsham , BN27 1DQ , 01323 849 483 , info @ neptunehailsham . com